Arts Corner
Africanival 2025 has got a lot to offer this year on June 6-8 in the heart of the city, Churchill Square, Edmonton.
The Arts Corner is loaded with; painting, drawing, writing sessions with an award winning author, painting sessions with an award winning artist, exhibition of paintings, movie screening, and workshops on acting, scriptwriting, and movie making.
There’s no charge for joining us at the Art Corner in the basement theatre in the Edmonton Downtown Library, just next door to Churchill Square, where the main stage, Kids Corner and vendors market will be.
Days to Go!
Are you ready for Africanival 2025?
Are you ready to go back to Churchill Square on June 6-8, 9AM to 9PM?
Are you ready to popcorn yourself to the new art corner on the square with more creativities at work?
If you’re ready, then join us at Churchill Square on Friday June 6, Saturday, June 7, and Sunday, June 8, from 9 AM to 9 PM!