

Africanival – Orality

“Orality” is words of wisdom and parables pasted down from our elders. This spoken word poetry centered event features International and local poets, a live band, entertaining M.C in a warm, welcoming environment. Journey with us on the inaugural event to Edmonton’s own “Africanival Festival” as poets and performers of African descent share their story threw poetry and song.

Africanival – Orality
Event Organizers:

Confident Camel

o   Contact – Ahmed Ali Knowmadic

o   Phone – 780-802-3384

o   Email –  cofidentcamel@gmail.com



Africanival  Board

o   Contact – Claire

o   Phone – 780-720-1968

o   Email – info@africanival.org


                “Orality” is words of wisdom and parables pasted down from our elders. This spoken word poetry centered event features International and local poets, a live band, entertaining M.C in a warm, welcoming environment. Journey with us on the inaugural event to Edmonton’s own “Africanival Festival” as poets and performers of African descent share their story threw poetry and song.



Event Details:

Venue: Betty Andrews Recital Hall, 11110 – 104 Ave, MacEwan University


Date: Friday July 12, 2019         Time: 7pm – 10pm


Ticket Price: $25.00                  Target Demographic: All Ages


Type of Event: Spoken Word/Live Concert


Dress Code: All Black

M.C:  Ahmed Ali Knowmadic




Feature Artist:

o   Titilope Sonuga

o   Ian Keteku

o   Sangea Academy


Web Links:                      





Feature Artist


Head Liner:Titilope Sonuga



Titilope Sonuga is a writer and performer who calls Lagos, Nigeria and Edmonton, Canada, home. The recipient of the Canadian Authors’ Association Emerging Writer Award, and a 2015 Open Society (OSIWA) Foundation Resident Poet on Goree Island, off the coast of Senegal, she is a leading voice in local and international performance poetry communities who has travelled extensively as a poet, and facilitated poetry workshops across the world. She is the founder of Edmonton’s Breath In Poetry Collective. Her poetry has been translated into Italian, German and Slovak. Her newest collection, This is How We Disappear, is available at writebloodynorth.ca







Feature Poet:Ian Keteku

Ian Keteku is a poet, multi-media artist and educator.  Keteku is also the 2010 World Poetry Slam Champion and is committed to using words as both an interpretation and cure for the human condition. He conducts poetry, writing and performance workshops for students of all ages, inspiring people to accept the power of their own voice.


He recently released his debut book of poetry Black Abacus with Write Bloody North Publishing.





Feature Band:Sangea

Sangea is a common name given to a girl in Liberia which means “female leader”. Sangea started in December 2012. The group started with 3 members and has grown up to 10 members over the years. We perform at Community events, Weddings, Private parties, Fundraisers, Festivals and so on.

We perform west African Traditional music and dance that dates back hundreds of years. This group has members from Mexico, Canada and various African countries. The African and Latin culture are very similar and because of our similarities and little differences, when combined, we have a great connection. Like the Latin culture, African culture has rhythm in every movement. There is rhythm in the way we Walk, Speak, Work and etc. Sangea is the award winner of the ” Fil Fraser Award 2015, for Outstanding Performance” winner of the “Afro Canadian Heros, Artist of the year 2014”, and also the winner of the 2013, 2014  and 2015 “Excellent Community Initiative Group Award” by Action for Healthy Communities. The objective of this group is to share and preserve African culture through music and the arts. We use our energetic music (Drumming, Singing, Poetry & Dance) as a tool to build cultural bridges in the community.


Master of Ceremony: Ahmed Knowmadic

Award winning poet Ahmed ‘Knowmadic’ Ali is a Somali-born Canadian. He is a full-time poet, writer, actor, comedian, speaker and youth worker. In 2011, Ahmed became the first Somali spoken word champion at the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word. In 2012, he was given the RISE award for community involvement in the arts and culture and, in 2013, the Artist in Residence at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute in Seattle, Washington. Ahmed was also named a “Difference Maker” by the Edmonton Journal for his contribution to poetry in Edmonton. In 2014, ACGC recognized the young poet as Alberta’s Top 30 under 30. He is also one of the founders and organizers of the Breath in Poetry Collective. His work has been published in Alt. Theater Journal, Rubicon Publishing, The Great Black North and online publications.




Show Schedule


Time: Item: Action: Notes:
3pm Set up Venue
  •   Set up Lobby Area
  •  Set up Auditorium décor


4pm – 5pm Sound Check
  •  Band Load in
  •  Check Audio and Lighting


  • Ian will allow us to make use of his drum kit.
6:30pm Meeting




  •   Confirm the volunteers know what to do.
  •   Quick review of the night to ensure everyone is on the same page.


7pm – 7:45pm Doors
  •   Lobby area is up and running.
  •  Music is playing as people enter.


  •   Ahmed will do a live event before the show.
7:45pm – 7:55pm Curtain Call
  •   Let attendees in the lobby know the show will begin shortly.


  •   Give attendees 10 minutes to file into the auditorium
  •   Melafrique will play a 10 minute instrumental set as the audience files in.
7:55pm – 8pm  Show Time
  •   Welcome audience
  •   Do house keeping
  •  Plug Sponsors/Partners
  •   Invite Africanival rep up to speak
  •   Announce Evening Schedule
  •   Introduce first Poet
  •  invite

“Mike _________”

To speak about the festival.


Time: Item: Action: Notes:
8pm – 8:15pm


Timiro Mohamed
8:15pm – 8:20pm  M.C
  •   Thank Poet
  •   Plug: Confident Camel & Africanival
  •  Introduce next Poet


8:20pm – 8:35pm


Omar Farah
  •   Spoken Word Poet
  •   15-minute set
8:35pm – 8:40pm


  •   Thank Poet
  •  Plug: Confident Camel & Africanival
  •   Introduce The band


8:40pm – 9pm Melafrique
  •   Live Musicians
  •  20-minute set
9pm – 9:15pm Break
  •  M.C will thank the band.
  •  Threw to a 15-minute break


9:15pm M.C
  •   Welcome the audience back from break
  •   Introduce next artist


9:15pm – 9:45pm Ifrah Hussein
  •   Spoken Word Poet
  •  30 minute set
9:45pm – 10pm M.C
  •   Call backs and Gratitude’s


10pm End of Event